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Tuesday, 3 May 2022

A Gathering of Mighty Painters Month 3

Badruk was getting annoyed. He couldn't get into that old Dwarf Fort, those runty Gobbos were stopping him, the walls were just too thick and they did nothing if you hit them with a good axe.

Someone coughed behind him.

Badruk spun around, axe raised. A tall Orc stood there. He looked tough, but he was still only an Orc thought the old Black Orc.

"I can 'elp you gets in dere" said the Orc.

"What's in it fer yous?" asked Badruk, "I ain't sharin what's in dere".

"I is Gorfang Rotgut" said the Orc, "I is da Chieftan of Da Red Fang, an if I get's you in dere den you owe me your axes and da axes ov yer Boyz in a scrap".

"Oh well" said Badruk "Why didnt's ya say dat, we loves a good scrap, wez in".

Gorfang grinned and turned to walk away screaming "Bring up da Doom Divaz".

As he watched the Orc walk away Badruk considered the title "Badruk, Chieftan of Da Redfang" and thought it had a nice ring to it.

The challenge for Month 3 of "A Gathering of Mighty Painters" was to paint up a unit. I selected a unit of Black Orcs armed with double-handed weapons. Not all of my models had double-handed weapons but I ensured that at least 50% did to comply with the rules, if I paint up a couple more with additional hand weapons then I can tailor the unit to use either by switching a couple of models to ensure the right balance needed.

It's not a big unit (lord knows these metal Black Orcs cost a fortune these days) but should still hit like a sledgehammer.  I can see these guys maybe being a flank charge unit once a big unit is engaged with some Boyz.

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