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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Snickit Goes To Geekdom Come

So as mentioned in my previous post I've cracked open the lid of my 4th edition Warhammer once more. When I started to sort out the cards in Battle Magic I stumbled upon a tragic error of my young life - elastic bands!

Now this may seem like an odd thing to realise was a mistake but elastic bands warp and degrade with age and lil' Snickit had bundled up the various magic item types and spell decks with the afore mentioned stretchable retainers. The result was rock hard elastic bands welded onto cards at the top and bottom of the piles.

I managed to remove offending bands without too much damage to the cards but it got me thinking about how to store them going forward and I came up with the idea of using trading card sleeves.

I may not be the first to come to the same conclusion but I haven't encountered anyone using the nifty storage method personally so I'm quite proud that my little brain came up with it and it works really nicely. It did however make my other half shake her head even more than normal at my odd geeky obsessions.

Oh well. Nevermind. I'm sure we've all dealt with the stare that manages to combine bafflement and disappointment in equal measure on many an occasion. Personally I think they look really nifty. Now my Magic Spells, Winds of Magic Cards, Magic Items and Chaos Rewards from "Warhammer Battle", "Battle Magic", "Warhammer Armies: Chaos", "Arcane Magic" and "Chronicles of War" all sit nicely together.

For those of you unfamiliar with "Chronicles of War" it was a supplement published in 1995 that collated several articles from White Dwarf together (most of them battle reports) and also provided a few extra magic items, most of them scrolls that had effects similar to Dispel Magic Scrolls but with weird and wonderful effects.

I bought a pack of 100 sleeves and once I'd completed these I had some left over so I did the same to my 5th edition Magic Items/Spells/Winds of Magic cards, only, I ran out so I needed some more sleeves so I've bought another 100 and I'm going to give "Dark Millenium" the same treatment!

Yeah I know I'm sad but be honest, you're the one reading this and wondering if you should do the same..................................


  1. Do you have a link for the company that sells the sleeves?

    1. I got mine from the evil Amazon empire if I'm honest (shame..............)

      Others are cheaper but then they add on the delivery charges and they're more expensive,

  2. Looks like a very sensible solution to me - good idea!

  3. This looks great for the magic items and spell cards but will it not be a pain with the power cards to have to remove them and replace them every game?

    1. Yes but looking at it realistically I don't have to put them in it, I just did because I had the sleeves and it won't be that much of a pain, how often will I actually play it? Not that often!

  4. Pardon my french but that's fucking awesome! What a find! I'm working on battle magic cards for third edition myself. We think far too alike sir I must cross the pond for a match someday!

    1. Come to BOYL 2016 (I can't make 2015 - D'OH!)

  5. Ive been searching everywhere for copy of those 5e Chaos Rewards cards! Their idea to include cards instead of listing wargear in the army book is driving me nuts.
