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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

The 333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge - Month 1

Synopsis of the Challenge:

The plan is to paint approximately 333 points of 3rd Ed a month for 9 months to end up with a 3000 point army (OK, a 2997 point army strictly speaking).
Then at BOYL 2022 the 3000 point armies can face off against each other (so long as I get 1 other interested party that plans to attend BOYL 2022).
Armies can be worked out from Armies, BOB, ROC or White Dwarf articles (such as the Fimir list or the Dwarf Gyrocopter entry). The miniatures can be of any manufacturer or time period. The army's just got to be geared up for playing 3rd.

So, I've decided to get my Orcs and Goblins painted up at long last and I'll be using two challenges to do so, the first is The 333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge (run by me and sumarised above) and the other is the Gathering of Might Painters (run by Ojo Nolicom that has a dictinct 4th Ed flavour to it).

That's two Orc and Goblin Armies of 3000 points to get painted before BOYL.

The "Gathering of Mighty Painters Challenge" begins this mont (January). My own Challenge is in full swing for three months and I've only delivered the first month so I'm on a sticky wicket.

Luckily after a stessful few months of contracting and getting over covid, job change and Christmas I'm almost ready to deliver those two months.

As stated, my first offering was delivered on time (end of Orctober 2021) and so we'll take a look at what I produced and delve into the brief backgrounds I created for them, so without further ado Dear Reader, cast you mind back to the end of Orctober 2021, Month 1 of The 333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge........................................

Lagruk's Maraudaz

Lagruk: Orc Level 10 Hero with hand weapon, light armour and shield. (64pts)
Lagruk's Maraudaz: 19 Orc Boyz with hand weapons, light armour and shields. The unit has a Standard Bearer. (170pts)

Lagruk and his boys have been on a long journey, they escaped the Hobgobbla Khan controlled lands in the east, skirted the north of the Darklands, passed through the northern Worlds Edge Mountains, through Kislev and down into the Northern Provinces of the Empire. They kept moving, pillaging the lands as they went. Not being a massive army the local authorties didn't really make a concerted effort to remove them until they had moved on and were no longer their problem.

The rich lands of the Empire (incomparrison to where they had come from) were easy pickings so this is where Lagruk's journey has ended for now, reaching the concealment the vast forrests the Northern Empire offers.

Da Grinnin' Moonz

Jango Bob: Goblin Level 10 Hero with shortbow and hand weapon. (29pts)
Da Grinnin' Moonz: 19 Goblin Stikkaz with shortbows and hand weapons. The unit has a Standard Bearer. (70pts)

The overly theatrical Jango Bob and the Grinnin' Moonz were bandits in the forrests of Hochland. Well, they tried but they only ever held up peasents so didn't really make much of a living out of it so were usually hungry which dented their effectiveness even further.

One day atthey foolishly atempted to hold up a passing group of Orcs - Lagruk's Maraudaz. Sadly they'd bitten off more than they could chew and whilst they took down a few Orcs before they charged they got a right kicking. Lagruk however found the overly boastful and foppish Jango Bob so ammusing he spared the Grinnin' Moonz on the proviso that they would now work for Lagruk. Not wishing to end his story there and then Jango agreed to the terms knowing that they are at least going to be getting the scraps of left overs from the Orcs.

Jango is now leading Lagruk back to the Grinnin' Moonz camp to pick up another member of the tribe..............................................................


  1. I am going to have a go at this. I followed the link from Facebook.

    I was going to work on Nippon next but they do not have a proper army list for 3rd as far as I can tell, so Chaos will be the most likely option.

    1. Glad to have you onboard.

      Apply to join the dedicated group on Facebook.

    2. Ken, I really like chaos dwarves and they are in a similar spot. The allied contigent list isn't a terrible way to start....

    3. daveb is not wrong, the Nipppn one is quite small but you could always do two 1000 point blocks of Nippon (two seperate feudal estates) and then 1000 points of Oni (Japanese Ogres &/or Giants &/or Trolls).

  2. The orcs with scale and fur lined spikey hats are pretty awesome. My familiarity with 3rd is a bit weak....but I always remembered being surprised by just how many war machines the Orcs can field. Will we be seeing a bunch of dangerous (to their users) contraptions?

    1. A fair few yes, the smaller ones such as Bolt Throwers, small Orc Stone Thrower and Iron Claw Goblin Stone Throwers are cheap as chips and are a useful way to round up to 333 points.

  3. Welcome back! And what a return... those are ace! I do like the regiments placcy goblin archers, very underrated sculpts.

    1. Totally agree, I think they're the best plastic goblins ever scuplted IMHO.
