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Monday, 2 May 2022

The 333pt 3rd Edition Painting Challenge - Month 6

"Ya are, now get on yer knees" growled a voice from the dark at the other end of the hall.

Out of the dark stepped a huge Orc, armoured head to foot, glaring menacingly.

He slumped into a chair at the head of the table.

"Knees, now!" he barked.

Lagruk starred at the brute, refusing to obey.

"Knees or we kills ya!" said the massive Orc.

All of the crossbows were still trained on Lagruk and he heard a cranking from behind him that he took to be the bolt throwers.

"His Master, Da Great Grimskull, Gargrim Da Gitsmasha commands you" said Old Wart "Do it and you live".

"I wants you alive, I've travelled far because Da Profit told me about ya" stated Gargrim "But I need ya ta accept me as da Boss".

Lagruk weighed up the situation in his head, his Ladz were outnumbered and he had no Shamen on his side, he wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to die yet, he was strong and had a lot of fight left in him. He was also intrigued by what Gargrim had said.

Slowly Lagruk sank to his knees.

"Do ya pledge your Boyz ta me?" asked Gargrim.

"Why?" questioned Lagruk.

"One a my Shamen can see da future, he says you will help me beat da stunties" stated Gargrim "I lead lots a Boyz, and more, and we is gonna take a Stuntie castle to da Sauff, it's full a gold an gems, but apparently I need you, an Orc from da Empire of da Hobgits".

"He saw all dis?" asked Lagruk.

"Yeah, he saiz you make summat" said Gargrim,

"What's dat den?" 

"He didn't say, and ideas?" asked Gargrim.

"Maybe" answered Lagruk "So, if I pledge me an my Ladz we get to smash Stunties?"

Gargrim nodded "But we gotta get inta der castle first"

"Den you need bigga lobbas" stated Lagruk.

Month 6 sees me add my Warlord and a couple of bigger Stone Throwers. 

My Warlord has an additional back banner (and a crossbow) to try to make him stand out even more as being important. Biggest issue I had here was the banner was very fiddly to do, not being the best at banners anyway it was a nightmare, it's ended up looking very childlike but I'm not expecting too many people to look at it too closely (he says posting pics up on the web). Most will see it on the table top where the banner hopefully won't get too much attention.

My Stone Throwers are by Marauder. I love these models and the crew so much I can't tell you. The slight issue is the Marauder Stone Thrower is a mangonel with 4 crew. In the lists a 4 Orc Stone Thrower is supposed to be a Skull Crusher which is supposed to be trebuchet with mangonels being Man Manglers that have 6 crew. The Marauder one only comes with 4 crew so I'm going by the number of crew rather than the catapult type. I don't think anyone will care, just my crazy brain having an issue with it, possibly even inventing the issue really.

Gargrim Grimskull, Da Gitsmasha!

Gargrim Gimskull - Da Gitsmasha!: Orc Level 25 General armed with a magical double-handed weapon (Fire), a crossbow and a hand weapon. He wears magical heavy armour (Protective Runes) (196pts).

Da Gitsmasha is, as is his tribe, superstitious by nature and often follows the advice of his Shamen "Da Profit" who has told him it is his destiny to conquer the Dwarven Hold of Karak Izor. To this end Gargim has built his Orc Horde and is determined to see his ambition realised.

Da Krumpa & Da Krusha

Da Krumpa & Da Krusha: Two Orc Stone Throwers with 4 Crew each. The crew are armed with hand weapons.

Lagruk had these two Lobbas built to secure his position (and possibly life) in Da Gitsmasha's horde after seeing the small size of Gitsmasha's other lobbas. Maybe size does indeed matter.


  1. Orcs and Gobblins really do get a sick amount of war machines.

  2. Congratulations on choosing the best orc model ever for your general. :) Also that purple is lovely. Not a colour I would have thunk of for orcses but it works really well to make them just pop enough without being too bright.

    1. Cheers Bud. The Purple is base coat GW Naggaroth Night, then a layer of GW Xereus Pruple, then GW Genestealer Purple with an AP Strong Tone Ink Wash. On the catapults themselves I just sprayed them AP Alien Purle and ink washed them, works alreet doesn't it?
