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Tuesday, 31 May 2022

The 333pt 3rd Edition Painting Challenge - Month 8

Ugluk sniggered.

He was having fun.

His Boyz were having fun.

They were doing what they were good at, lopping off heads.

Gargrim had ordered them to execute the remaining prisoners from the attack on the Dwarf settlement of Stonebridge and they were carrying out their orders with glee.

Many Dwarf corpses and chopped off heads were strewn all over the ground.

"UGLUK!" he heard Grimblebert bellow "TIME TO GO".

It wasn't uncommon, Gargrim often used the Giant to bellow out his orders.

The last Dwarf has held in front of him by his Boyz, head held back by his hair.

"Da ya fink yous is lucky?" he asked the Dwarf.

The Dwarf spat in his face and screamed "KILL ME FILTH".

Ugluk licked the Dwarf's spit from his face, leaned forward and whispered into the Dwarfs ear "oh no stuntie scum, I have a much worse fate planned for you".

At his nod one of his Boyz brought his axe shaft down on the Dwarf's head, knocking him unconscious.

When Durik Brokson awoke he screamed with pain, he was staked to the ground with heavy metal nails through his arms and legs. The Orcs had stripped him naked and shaven his hair and beard off. He lay there, surrounded by the heads and bodies of his Clan.................. he sobbed.................... and screamed with pain and rage and swore vengeance on those that had killed his Clan, ravaged his home and brought eternal shame on him.

Ugluk Da Choppa and Da 'Ead Takaz

Ugluk Da Choppa is a nasty piece of work. He's not the tallest of Orcs but he's cunning and vicious and other Orcs respect him because of it (a rare commodity amongst Orcs). Gargrim has placed the fighting Orcs of his tribe under Ugluk's command - Da 'Ead Takaz

Da 'Ead Takaz are so named because they delight in beheading their opponents with the big two handed Orc axes they are armed with. Not only do they enjoy cutting necks but they also love to chop down trees, especially when they know it'll upset Elves.

Da 'Ead Takaz - 19 Orc Boyz armed with double-handed axes and hand weapons. They wear light armour and carry shields. The unit includes a Standard Bearer (210 pts).

Ugluk Da Choppa - Orc Level 10 Hero armed with a double-handed axe and a hand weapon. He wears light armour and carries a shield (66 pts).

I almost stripped and repainted my set of Ruglud's Armoured Orcs but instead decided to go with something a little different. I've continued the contentious blue colour scheme of my Grimskullz Clan on these guys and I'm still of the opinion it looks snazzy. I also suspect the choice to mostly use just two models for the majority of the unit will raise a few eyebrows and draw some disapproval but I hope the majority will look on them favourably.

This is the penultimate instalment for my challenge and I decided I needed to add more Orc Boyz to bulk the army out. The double-handed weapons help to "swing" the odds in their favour.

Next month the challenge wraps up with..................... well, you'll just have to wait and see won't you?

Sunday, 22 May 2022

A Gathering of Mighty Painters Month 5

Gorfang Rotgut glared at the Goblin.

"What makes ya fink I wantz yer elp?" He growled.

"Well Boss, I can call you Boss right?" said the Gobbo "We is dead aard n dere's lots ov me ladz n wez can elps ya beat dat git wot youz iz gunna crump".

"Haw haw haw haw" laughed Gorfang "Yer puny and yer scared ov yer own shada."

Grotslik Wartnibble looked up into the big Orc's face and said "Tell ya what, we'ze'll be da furst wave, we can go and qipes dem owt n den all youz ave ta do iz mop up wat's left."

"You wantz ta be da furst attak?" smiled Gorfang. "Against Night Gobbos?".

"Yes" Grotslik nodded.

"You eva scrap wiv Night Gobbos before?" enquired Gorfang.

"No" said Grotslik."Just one question"

"Wat?" asked Gorfang.

"Wat's da difference between Goboz n Night Goboz?"

"Ummmmm, dey wear dresses" replied Gorfang.

"Oh well" said Grotslik confidently, "We'll 'ave a smashing time!"

"U can say dat again" thought Gorfang smiling to himself. 

 Grotslik's Gibbering Jabbers.

The requirement for Month 5 of "A Gathering of Mighty Painters" was for a Regiment and as I was lacking any Gobbo regiments I went for my pledged Gobbo Spears. This unit may not be exciting but it certainly is nostalgic of 4th Ed.

Often as I paint a unit I try to come up with a name and even a background if I'm feeling particularly inspired. The name for these little chaps fell into place when I settled upon the shields they would be using. For aesthetic reasons I had to use the shields these symbols of 4th Ed came with and as my brain likes painting in repetition I decided to use a single design.

When I sorted through my shields I found two designs I had the most of. One was a wolf head and the other was a goblins head. Originally I had planned to use the wolf head designs for my 4th Ed Wolf Riders but I really wasn't keen on the goblin head shield, however, as I started to paint the unit I started thinking of the Green Goblin of Spiderman fame and I started cackling maniacally and then my brain went to the DC's Joker and I realised that the grinning goblin motif worked.

Grotslik's Gibbering Jabbers were born.

Next month is Characters and I can't wait to see what my fellow painters have planned.

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

A Gathering of Mighty Painters Month 4

Grumblebert Rumpystink had been walking for days. He'd left Gorgrim's Boyz behind because he was bored of attacking Karak Izor and getting nowhere. He needed a new challenge.

On the otherside of the big hill Gorfang Rotgut led his slowly growing band of followers ever onwards. He was desperate to find more strength to attack Skarsnik. Sadly, he felt he was running out of time.

Just then Rumpystink lumbered around the hill.

Gorfang looked up........................................ and up................................ and up............................ and then up some more.

Oh yer!" exclaimed Gorfang "You'll do nicely!".

Month 4 of the "Gathering of Mighty Painters Challenge" was to paint a Monster. Now strictly speaking a Giant isn't a Monsterbut he does fulfil much the same function and I cleared it with the "powers that be" who ruled that a Giant was fine to substitute in.

Luckily he's also been a good gap bridger between my two current projects, saving me a little painting time as I could reasonably use him for both.

As I'm sure people are getting bored of my spamming them with my Giant by now I'll keep the pics to a minimum.

Below is the full 4th Ed Army being painted for the "Gathering" so far.

A Gathering of Mighty Painters Month 3

Badruk was getting annoyed. He couldn't get into that old Dwarf Fort, those runty Gobbos were stopping him, the walls were just too thick and they did nothing if you hit them with a good axe.

Someone coughed behind him.

Badruk spun around, axe raised. A tall Orc stood there. He looked tough, but he was still only an Orc thought the old Black Orc.

"I can 'elp you gets in dere" said the Orc.

"What's in it fer yous?" asked Badruk, "I ain't sharin what's in dere".

"I is Gorfang Rotgut" said the Orc, "I is da Chieftan of Da Red Fang, an if I get's you in dere den you owe me your axes and da axes ov yer Boyz in a scrap".

"Oh well" said Badruk "Why didnt's ya say dat, we loves a good scrap, wez in".

Gorfang grinned and turned to walk away screaming "Bring up da Doom Divaz".

As he watched the Orc walk away Badruk considered the title "Badruk, Chieftan of Da Redfang" and thought it had a nice ring to it.

The challenge for Month 3 of "A Gathering of Mighty Painters" was to paint up a unit. I selected a unit of Black Orcs armed with double-handed weapons. Not all of my models had double-handed weapons but I ensured that at least 50% did to comply with the rules, if I paint up a couple more with additional hand weapons then I can tailor the unit to use either by switching a couple of models to ensure the right balance needed.

It's not a big unit (lord knows these metal Black Orcs cost a fortune these days) but should still hit like a sledgehammer.  I can see these guys maybe being a flank charge unit once a big unit is engaged with some Boyz.

Monday, 2 May 2022

The 333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge - Month 7

 "Grumblebert!" shouted Bardrog Bigtoof, Banner Bearer of Da Gitsmasha, "GRUMBLEBERT!!!"

The Giant continued to snore.

"GRUMBLEBERT YA DUNG EATER, WAKE UP!" shouted Bardrog and prodded the Giant's knackers with his cleaver.

The Giant turned over and broke wind.

Bardrog was blown over by the foul gust that made even this vile excuse for an Orc's eyes water. By the Great Green Gods that stunk worse than Madrug did when he'd been sleeping with his boars thought Bardrog. He got himself up and shuffled around the Giant to his nose, where upon he grabbed some snot encrusted nostril hair and pulled with all his might.

"ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Grumblebert, sitting up a start. "WHO DID THAT?" he bellowed.

"Down ere" exclaimed Bardrog, waving his banner to get Grumblebert's attention. "Boss says weez on da move back daan sauff to smash da Stunties".


OK, the banner is crude and simple but I'm not great with banners so for now it'll do, I can always replace it further down the line. I hadn't planned an Army Banner Bearer but with basic equipment a level 5 Orc with and Army Standard fits nicely with a Giant's 250 points to come to just over 333 points, perfect!

Bardrog Bigtoof

Bardrog Bigtoof: Orc level 5 Hero armed with a hand weapon, wearing light armour and carrying a shield and an Army Standard (86 pts).

Bardrog is a wretch of an Orc, he's mishappen and bitter, Gargrim sees him as a servant and a toady bootlicker that he doesn't trust to lead any Boyz. He lets him carry the Army Banner and feels he should be grateful for that. To Gargrim's face Bardrog is subservient and fawning, very un-orc like. Behind his back Bardrog hates Gargrim but is far to frightened of his master to disobey him. That is not to say Bardrog is weak and feeble, far from it, many a foe has underestimated him and ended up on the receiving end of his cleaver.

One of the reasons no one else has taken out Bardrog so far is his "friendship" with Grumblebert Rumpystink. In truth Bardrog hates the Giant too but he's far too cunning and manipulative to let that get in the way of letting Grumblebert protect him.

Grumblebert Rumpystink

Grumblebert Rumpystink: Giant armed with a tree trunk (250 pts).

Grumblebert Rumpystink is well named. The flatulent Giant is never happy. He feels Bardrog Bigtoof as a kindred spirit. Both are visibly "different" to the other Ladz and have to deal with bullies. Luckily Grumblebert can squish or eat anyone that abuses him and he won't let anyone bully Bardrog either. The closest Grumblebert comes to happiness is when he gets inebriated, but even this doesn't help much as he's a terribly morose drunk.

The 333pt 3rd Edition Painting Challenge - Month 6

"Ya are, now get on yer knees" growled a voice from the dark at the other end of the hall.

Out of the dark stepped a huge Orc, armoured head to foot, glaring menacingly.

He slumped into a chair at the head of the table.

"Knees, now!" he barked.

Lagruk starred at the brute, refusing to obey.

"Knees or we kills ya!" said the massive Orc.

All of the crossbows were still trained on Lagruk and he heard a cranking from behind him that he took to be the bolt throwers.

"His Master, Da Great Grimskull, Gargrim Da Gitsmasha commands you" said Old Wart "Do it and you live".

"I wants you alive, I've travelled far because Da Profit told me about ya" stated Gargrim "But I need ya ta accept me as da Boss".

Lagruk weighed up the situation in his head, his Ladz were outnumbered and he had no Shamen on his side, he wasn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to die yet, he was strong and had a lot of fight left in him. He was also intrigued by what Gargrim had said.

Slowly Lagruk sank to his knees.

"Do ya pledge your Boyz ta me?" asked Gargrim.

"Why?" questioned Lagruk.

"One a my Shamen can see da future, he says you will help me beat da stunties" stated Gargrim "I lead lots a Boyz, and more, and we is gonna take a Stuntie castle to da Sauff, it's full a gold an gems, but apparently I need you, an Orc from da Empire of da Hobgits".

"He saw all dis?" asked Lagruk.

"Yeah, he saiz you make summat" said Gargrim,

"What's dat den?" 

"He didn't say, and ideas?" asked Gargrim.

"Maybe" answered Lagruk "So, if I pledge me an my Ladz we get to smash Stunties?"

Gargrim nodded "But we gotta get inta der castle first"

"Den you need bigga lobbas" stated Lagruk.

Month 6 sees me add my Warlord and a couple of bigger Stone Throwers. 

My Warlord has an additional back banner (and a crossbow) to try to make him stand out even more as being important. Biggest issue I had here was the banner was very fiddly to do, not being the best at banners anyway it was a nightmare, it's ended up looking very childlike but I'm not expecting too many people to look at it too closely (he says posting pics up on the web). Most will see it on the table top where the banner hopefully won't get too much attention.

My Stone Throwers are by Marauder. I love these models and the crew so much I can't tell you. The slight issue is the Marauder Stone Thrower is a mangonel with 4 crew. In the lists a 4 Orc Stone Thrower is supposed to be a Skull Crusher which is supposed to be trebuchet with mangonels being Man Manglers that have 6 crew. The Marauder one only comes with 4 crew so I'm going by the number of crew rather than the catapult type. I don't think anyone will care, just my crazy brain having an issue with it, possibly even inventing the issue really.

Gargrim Grimskull, Da Gitsmasha!

Gargrim Gimskull - Da Gitsmasha!: Orc Level 25 General armed with a magical double-handed weapon (Fire), a crossbow and a hand weapon. He wears magical heavy armour (Protective Runes) (196pts).

Da Gitsmasha is, as is his tribe, superstitious by nature and often follows the advice of his Shamen "Da Profit" who has told him it is his destiny to conquer the Dwarven Hold of Karak Izor. To this end Gargim has built his Orc Horde and is determined to see his ambition realised.

Da Krumpa & Da Krusha

Da Krumpa & Da Krusha: Two Orc Stone Throwers with 4 Crew each. The crew are armed with hand weapons.

Lagruk had these two Lobbas built to secure his position (and possibly life) in Da Gitsmasha's horde after seeing the small size of Gitsmasha's other lobbas. Maybe size does indeed matter.

The 333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge - Month 5

As Lagruk followed the diminutive Shamen into the building they stepped into a large Dwarven hall. There was a long table with comfortable looking seating arranged along it. Dwarf Warrior statues acted as pillars to hold up the roof. The end of the room was in shadow.

He spat at on one of the pillars, he hated stunties. He heard a sniggering behind the statue and instantly he had a nasty feeling he was walking into a trap. He was right. Out stepped a number of Orcs from behind the pillars, each carried a crossbow, all were trained on him.

"Boss!" came a shout from outside, it was Dubruk, one of his more loyal Ladz.

Lagruk turned to see two bolt throwers wheeled into place in the door way behind him.

"This was overkill" he thought to himself.

"Just precautions" Toadwart explained "He don't take no chances".

"I fort I was gunna meet ya Boss?" questioned Lagruk.

"Ya are, now get on yer knees" growled a voice from the dark at the other end of the hall...........................

OK, yes it's late but here is my 5th month's offering for the "333pt 3rd Ed Painting Challenge". I needed to add some Arrer Boyz to make my Rank & File allocation "legal" and I've always liked the idea of Orcs with crossbows more than bows so that's what I went for. The crossbows are from "Wargames Foundry" as they look suitably primitive.

The Champion, Lurg, is a classic that I really wanted to include in my army, I think he looks right at home in the crossbows, maybe he's sulking as he's not being allowed to get stuck in with the other ladz. I imagine he directs the crossbow fire with his cleavers.

I've also added in two Bolt Throwers to add to my long range fire power.

The blue colour scheme is controversial and has divided opinion. I was aiming for a similar feel to Rogue Trader's Deathskullz as it's different, you don't see blue on Orcs very often and was a conscious decision to contrast with my 4th Ed Orcs that used red (as is obligatory in 4th Ed). Like or loathe it, it certainly stands out.

Da Ded Shootie Firin' Skwad

Da Ded Shootie Firin' Skwad: 19 Orc Arrer Boyz armed with crossbows and hand weapons, they wear light armour. The unit includes a Standard Bearer (230 pts).

Lurg: Orc Level 5 Champion armed with a crossbow and two cleavers, he wears light armour (39 pts).

Da Ded Shootie Firin' Skwad are the Grimskullz fire support, favouring crossbows over bows as they're easier to use and hit harder. Their leader, Lurg, is loyal to the cause so remains commanding his Ladz even though he'd rather be chopping up the enemy at close quarters. Like all Grimskullz Da Ded Shootie Firin' Skwad are superstitious and daub the war gear blue.

Da Spear Chukkaz

Da Spear Chukkaz: 2 Bolt Throwers with 3 Orc crew each. They are armed with hand weapons.

Da Spear Chukkaz make sure that all of the enemy keep their heads down as the Grimskullz go to war and with a bit of luck, they may even hit something!