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Sunday, 1 October 2023

Tale of 4th Gamers Month 2

You can see the rules of the challenge in the Featured section of the WFB 4th Edition Facebook Group. To sum it up, for Month 1 you paint your General. In Month 2 you must paint up enough other army list items to make your army a "legal" WFB 4th Ed army. What you pick is dictated by your Gold Piece budget, Month 2 is 50 Gold Pieces, Month 3 onwards is 25 Gold Pieces.

The Gold Piece costs are also in the WFB 4th Edition Face Book Group but they roughly translate to Games Workshop prices from about 1993/94.

As per the rules of the challenge in Month 1 I painted my two Generals:

Gordreg Deffmaka - Black Orc Warboss of the subjugated Bonekraka tribe, armed with the Axe of Grom and a hand weapon, He wears Armour of Meteoric Iron. I may add to his magical items over the next few months.

Baron Ludolf Scholz - General of Middenland armed with a double-handed sword & hand weapon. He wears Armour of Protection and rides a barded warhorse. Again, I may or may not add to his magical items over the next few months.

The Baron has been sent by Graf Todbringer to eradicate the Greenskin activity around the Howling Hills and the surrounding Drakwald that has been reported by the inhabitants of the villages scattered throughout the area.

The Orcs in question are, of course, the Bonekrakaz Tribe.

For Month 2 I've indulged in a little Monopose Madness, I've gone for the classic, iconic, often disliked but for me characterful and charming 4th Ed plastics.

My costings for the month are as follows:

20 Orc Boyz = 10 GP
20 Orc Arrer Boyz = 10 GP
6 Black Orcs = 12 GP
Total = 32 GP with 18 GP rolling over to next month

20 Halberdiers = 10 GP
12 Archers = 13.50 GP
Total = 23.50 GP with 26.50 GP rolling over to next month

Here is my Orc list so far:

and here's my Empire list:

I've not spent the full 50 GP's per army this month but as I've painted up a fair quantity I think I can give myself a break and carry over what's left into next month.

The paint scheme's are fairly simple but that's what I get when I paint a flipping lot in one month! The monopose helped here as painting in production line is the easiest way to get massed ranks done quickly. It's also why I chose to do Middenland as it's a quicker single colour uniform than my usual Nordland, the yellow plumes are there to tie them together if I use them with that Army. (It also means I'm getting the Middenlanders done for my own running of "Revenge of the Doomlord")

Next month

Next month I have some important additions to make to the growing forces.

I need to add command groups to the close combat units and bulk up my meager Black Orc unit. I got 6 done simply to allow for my Black Orc Warlord. Five is the minimum unit size and I only painted six because it was more economical to "buy" two lots of three than "buying" three in a "blister" pack and two individual ones (and yes, I know the plastic ones were never in a blister but it's just how the GP costing worked out).

I also want to add some Crossbows and Pistoliers to my Empire troops.

Hopefully next month's paint queue won't be quite as frenzied!


  1. Still trooping the colours I see! Great to see yet another army marching out of Snickets cave of delights!

    1. Awwww mate, thank you.

      Yes, still going, trying to get these two armies "finished" before next "BOYL" year when I'll move onto Chaos, Dark Elves or Wood Elves.

  2. The top picture of the orc army took me right back to my happy place. Can't wait to see how the full army looks.

    1. Thank you, that's a really nice compliment, I hope to do justice to it with next month's additions.
