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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

BOYL 2021 Day 3 - Battle of the East Gate.

What follows is an account of the running of the "Battle of the East Gate" at BOYL 2021.

Originally I posted this to Facebook but I've decided to crank up the Blog again so thought it deserved it's place here for posterity, and so Dear Reader, read on...................................

The Battle of the East Gate.

My Brother, Erny Roamer, took command of the Dwarfs. Garth James and Josh (sorry I didn't get your surname) took command of Skarsnik's Goblins. Josh was a young lad who sadly had to leave halfway through the game but he definitely acquitted himself admirably and would be very welcome to join us next year when we rerun this game (seriously it was sooooo much fun) and run "Revenge of the Doomlord" too.

I GM'ed had a blast being impartial but offering both sides support.
So, what happened?
Lord Duregar deployed his Hammers and Warriors to the front...................

..........................and his Slayers behind them with the Runesmith Hurgar the Black.

Skarsnik deployed a unit of Night Goblin Archers to block the way to the gate and the Big'uns with the their Orc Big Boss to flank the Dwarfs as they marched towards the gate.

An Orc Shamen lurked at the bottom of the Tower the Rock Lobber was in.

Turn 1
Lord Duregar led his Hammers and the Warriors moved towards their objective - the East Gate. Hurgar the Black and the Troll Slayers held back to provide a rear guard defence.

Skarsnik moved into the valley behind the Dwarfs with the Eastern Force and the trap was sprung.
The Orc Archers deployed but squabbled so wouldn't be able go fire and this turn. Boar Boyz and some Trolls lead by a Black Orc Boss also deployed behind the Dwarfs.

Infront of the gate the Night Goblins moved forward to get a better shot, taking out a Warrior. Beside them the Big'uns worked their way forward. The Rocklobber sent a rock sailing over the heads of the Dwarfs. The Orc Shamen blasted another Hammerer with the Staff of Lightning. Skarsnik blasted Slayer with his Prodder.

Turn 2
The Dwarf Warriors and Hammerers kept pushing forward, the Slayers and Runesmith edged backwards.

The Night Goblin North Force arrived. Squigs, Spearmen and Archers all deploying ready for battle.

At the Gate the Night Goblin Archers took down a Hammerer and the Big'uns wheeled ready to charge next turn.

The Orc Shamen joined the Rock Lobber on top of the Tower and yet another Hammerer fell, fried with his Staff of Lightning.

At the rear of the Dwarf Army the Arrer Boyz bickered but the Boar Boyz moved to outflank the Slayers, the Black Orc Big Boss and his Trolls carried on closing the distance towards the Dwarfs and Skarsnik and Gobbla also ran forward trying to blast Hurgar the Black but failed to wound.

Turn 3
With a loud boom the East Gate exploded outward! King Belegar and his reinforcements poured through the gate. The Longbeards positioned centrally and the Crossbowmen and Thunderers deployed either side. Belegar positioned himself between the Crossbows and the tower containing the Shamen and the Rock Lobber.

Duregar and his Hammerers moved forward, delighted to see his cousin's counter ambushing army. The Warriors held their position. A Daemon Slayer left the Slayers and began the run to the gate with Hurgar the Black. The Slayers turn and headed up the burial mound next to them.

The Southern Goblins deployed their Spearmen, Archers and Shamen. The Squigs, North Spears and Boar Boyz all moved towards the Dwarfs,

The Black Orc Big Boss sent the Trolls off on a run towards the Dwarfs and moved towards the Arrer Boyz who moved forward to reduce the distance to the Slayers. The Big'uns crashed into the Dwarf Warriors and the Night Goblin Archers next to them continued to pour fire into the Hammerers. None of these units routed due to Hatred. The Orc Shamen legged it out of the Tower on the other side to Belegar to avoid the big axe he carried.

Turn 4
The Slayers crested the mound, the Daemon Slayer "raced" to support the Dwarf Warriors against the Big'uns. The Daemon Slayers sent his Hammer flying into one of the Big'uns taking him out with the Master Rune of Flight. The Warriors and Big'uns continued their meat grinder fight. Lord Duregar and his Hammerers charged the Night Goblin Archers who held firm. King Belegar ran into the tower and butchered the Rock Lobber crew.
The Boar Boyz crashed into the Slayers and despite having 5 attacks due to the Blade of Leaping Gold failed to hit (Garth rolled five 1's!).

The Boar Boyz just won but the Slayers weren't going anywhere.

As the
Big'un vs Dwarf Warrior meat grinder continued the Night Goblin Archers were slaughtered by the Hammerers after they expanced their frontage.

With the exception of the Arrer Boyz (who suffered Animosity again), everything else moved closer to the Dwarfs. The Black Orc Big Boss joined the Arrer Boyz to stop their constant bickering.

Turn 5
The Daemon Slayer charged the Boar Boyz and Hurger charged the Big'uns. Both fights carried on being bloody but neither side gave an inch of ground. Belegar came to the bottom of the tower and sounded his horn with the Master Rune of Dismay that affected almost all of the Goblin Army, stopping them moving. The Longbeards edged closer to the Big'uns.

Two units of Night Goblin Archers were not dismayed one moved towards the Hammerers for a better shot and the other charging the Thunderers but losing and actually failing a rout test even though they hated the Dwarfs. The Big'uns Vs Warriors and Boar Boyz Vs Slayers again continued. The Boar Boyz killed off all the Slayers but the Daemon Slayer. The Dwarf Warriors were left three strong plus Hurgar the Black.

Turn 6
The Longbeards charged the rear of the Big'uns and Belegar threw himself at the Night Goblin Archers that had edged forward last turn. He slaughtered Archers but hatred meant they didn't run. The Big'uns faired worse and broke from combat triggering panic in almost all of the surrounding Orcs and Gobins including the Boar Boyz who the Daemon Slayer pursued cutting them down.

Sadly the Dwarfs Hatred pursuit triggered Night Goblin Fanatics in a nearby Spear unit. One crashed into the Daemon Slayer but only caused one wound. The rest failed go connect. Hurgar's pursuit took him into a Night Goblin Shamen that had managed to spend the last couple of turns vomiting and stumbling about due to Waaaagh power overloads.
Turn 7
The Daemon Slayer charged the Arrer Boyz and killed the Black Orc Big Boss. Belegar carried on chopping up Night Goblin Archers. Hurgar killed the Night Goblin Shamen despite his use of Fists of Gork. In a final act Skarsnik and Gobbla charged the Daemon Slayer and Gobbla swallowed him whole.

A fantastic game, so much fun we'll do it next year as well!

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