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Thursday, 2 October 2014

Deeply Sad News

It is with a heavy heart that I must report that Snickit off of Snickit's Tail will NOT be attending the Oldhammer weekender that is BOYL2015 because on that particular weekend he has to attend some wedding or other of a cousin of his other half - BOO!!!! HISS!!!!! and BOO again!!!!

It's rather annoying because when we found out when the wedding was to be held the weekender wasn't going to be that particular weekend but it's since moved! Whilst I can attempt to have them move their wedding I somehow don't think I will be successful in the slightest (selfish b*ggers.............).

I do, however, fancy a trip up to Foundry at some point before then though to make up for missing it so if anyone fancies joining me, and having a game or two on their lovely boards, then do let me know.

Righteo, I'm off to sulk.........................................


  1. I feel your pain, mate - BOYL15 is on my anniversary :(

    1. Oh dear, I assume you're not being allowed to play then.

      Would you maybe be up for an Ogre gathering up North and some point next year then?

    2. You assume correctly! Actually, I'd rather spend my anniversary with my wife than with a bunch of other blokes, no matter how much lead is involved, it's just a shame they clash.

    3. You do surprise me sir....................................

  2. Why do people always have to share their joys with friends and family!? Couldn't they just send us a card "btw, we got married last week". There, easy and a lot less expensive for everyone!

    I feel your pain. Your second cousin or whatever owes you big time. I hope you'll remind him for the rest of his selfish life ;-)

    1. Worse - it's my girlfriend's cousin - not even my relation!!!!! Oh the pain!!!!!

  3. Sad news indeed I know your pain as I missed BOYL13 ,it could be worse though.. you Could be related to Erny.. Oh wait Umm..nevermind then.

    1. You had to go and make it worse....................

  4. Just stumbled upon this meme and thought of you...

    1. Ha ha, only just seen this post, classic!
