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Saturday, 2 November 2013

High Elves Up

My High Elves, yet again, mostly unpainted - D'OH!!!!!

The best High Elf Elites - because they're dead hard!

You c an tell how long these guys have been awaiting a paint job, they're undercoated white!!!!

Swordmasters 1

Swordmaster 2

Crew done, Bolt Thrower 0

I have loads of these somewhere, think they're in storage........................

Lots of work to be done on the Griffon

A boxed up mint condition Dragon Princes box? Don't mind if I do............................

And an Imrik???? Yes Please!!!!

My High Elf Tower - lush

and some Elven pillars

that are rather nice

A few others

and more again, such as a another unit of Silverhelms (the two un-opened blisters are the Champion and Standard Bearer)

Thursday, 31 October 2013

And now, because it's Halloween, for the Undead

Next up for the packing list is my Undead, a bit more of these painted but not to a very high standard I have to admit.

I really need to get command groups finished off!

My Vampire Lord

I use the Liche as an extra Necromancer as he fits in quite nicely with the Marauder Necromancer and the Vampire

Yes I know he's a Chaos Warrior but he makes a cracking 4th Edition Liche, if you don't believe me then just take a look at the front Arcane Magic!

I really need to get Heinrich painted

A Manfred of 5th and 6th Edition. Part of me wants to make a proper Carstein Undead/Empire army but that's a labour of love I have yet to turn to.

My Nightmare Legion, I'm not that happy with the paint job to be honest...................................

............................. so I'll have another crack with my second Legion =P



I need more spearmen................. I need to raid ebay!

Newer but still nice mini's

OK, they're current plastics but that's cause older ones are flippin' expensive on ebay!!!!!!

WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm a Ghost or a Banshee or something or other

I had an idea to build a unit of Marauder Wights, I never completed that mission

My Spirit Host. This was inspired by Erny's one that's done with Dark Elves. Mine's an ashamed copy cause it was a cracking idea. His is a ghostly purple, mine's a ghostly green, painted shortly after watching "The Return of the King".

Don't judge me, we've all done it.....................