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Thursday, 17 September 2020

(Not) Hawking my Slayers - Call of Command Army Challenge

My September offerings for the Call of Command Army Challenge are complete - Tord and his Troll Biters.

Oddly I've decided to go for my Slayers first. I say oddly because in my mind the obvious thing to do would be to paint up Warriors or Crossbowmen first as in 3rd these are compulsory troops. However, one of the benefits of 4th is there are no compulsory troops.

OK, yes, I need a Lord and I don't have one painted yet but that's fine for now. I plan on playing a small skirmish game first and that's why I went for the Slayers. I have a plan for a solo game that will suit these guys perfectly.

I hope to bring you news of that game in my next blog post, maybe even a report if you're lucky.

Thanks for dropping by.