This army is mainly painted up to be usable in both 3rd & 4th Edition Warhammer which really is my main area of enthusiasm in the hobby.
Undead became my main army in 4th back in the day as they were cheap. I was also a fan of the "High Fantasy" style of Undead. When they got split in late 5th I lost interest with the Vampire Counts army never really selling itself to me and Tomb Kings meaning I'd have to start all over again. The Necromancer only list in 6th had de-powered Necromancers so lost the feel I wanted. Playing 3rd and 4th means I can get back to the Undead I prefer.
I've probably gotten in closer than I ever have with my photography here and some of the painting is making me wince now, however, the reality that I keep telling myself is that I'm not Golden Daemon Standard Painter. I paint to a wargaming standard so that I can get armies painted
This is my General - Lothar the Black Hearted
In 3rd Ed I take this guy as a low level Liche to lead my Zombies as they have superior Psychology Stat boosts.
In 4th this guys is taken as a heavily protected 1st level wizard to try to ensure that 2 dice are always rolled for the Winds of Magic.
My take on Dieter for 4th Ed. I'm a massive fan of the "Revenge of the Doomlord" scenario so having him painted up is a must for me. As per usual for me I still need to do his banner.
The very first unit I always pick for my Undead is my General's Body Guard - the largest unit of spear armed Skelies I can afford.
My Grim Reapers, essential troops in 3rd.
Oh dear, these two are lot blurrier than I thought
These are my Skelies for summoning.
My White Knight/Assault Group Zombies. Painted up as Nordland because that's what my own Empire Army is. I have a second unit to get painted up that I'm considering doing as either (or a mixture of both) Altdorf and/or Middenheim as those are the Empire Armies used by my Brother.
Not an original idea, I've seen at least two armies with Flagellents painted as Ghosts and I've unashamedly nicked the idea because it works so well.
Bat Swarms - these are Black Tree Design ones.

Ghouls, I'm still experimenting with these guys, never really used them before but the models are nice and characterful and that's a good enough reason to use them for me.
Carrion, I still want to add more, at least another four I think.
Two units of Skeleton Horsemen that, yup, you guessed it, still need their banners doing...........................................
My Chariots, this is another unit I really want to add to.
My Screaming Skull Catapults - very rarely on target but every once in a blue moon they'll pull off a wonder hit!