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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Painting Block Break Through

With BOYL2018 fast approaching the painting progress on my 3rd ed Imperial Dwarves was about as rapid as a Longbeard dawdling through custard!

But at last a break through has occurred - and not a minute too soon either. I have a mountain to climb in painting terms and the Hold's name was rapidly becoming Karaz-a-Flattyre but no more, I present to you my latest batch of troops.

The first unit is a second unit of Bood Wargames excellent warriors with spears with a Citadel Hero, Standard Bearer and Musician. I still have the standard itself and their shields to finish off but as this unit has been a real blocker for the last few months I'm happy to call it done for now with finishing touches to be applied.

I love these guys as minis (I'm a big advocate of Bood Wargames' Dwarves) and it certainly wasn't the sculpts that put me off painting them. I don't know what it is but I have issues painting yellow and when I tried to break tradition and give Prince Ulther and his Imperial Dwarves a fresh yellow look I hit a brick wall too. Eventually I gave up on those and went back to the traditional red (albeit with a white halved surcoat). This time I vowed not to be beaten and they've been a clogging up my painting table ever since. I got myself a hole Saturday to paint the other day and finally got on with it. Sometimes I need that, a clear day and no more excuses!

|They still need a name and an "origins" story though.

My next unit has name and function already. Meet "Borri's Beaters". This unit are my skirmishers (yes Dwarves can have skirmishers also, either armed with crossbows or hand guns). I imagine these guys are the King's gamekeepers. They're lead by Chief Gamekeeper Borri, a wily old Dwarf who takes great  pride in his position.

I like these guys because with their over coats they look completely different to any other unit in my army. Initially I wasn't a fan of these minis but as I developed the idea of a unit of Dwarf skirmishers in my head and why they would be such an odd formation for Dwarves the minis and the concept seemed to fit together so snuggly that I could see them in my head. I'm pleased to say they turned out better than I expected.

I'm very proud of them.

Lastly here's a second Dwarf Wizard. Same model as my first but painted differently. My first represented a Gold Wizard but this chap is a Celestial (yes I know none of that matters in 3rd but you can't stop my mind working that way!).

I imagine this fella is an eccentric but likable chap that lives in the top of peaks of the King's mountains with a big observatory with a huge brass telescope and glass ceiling. More giggly than grumbly. Not a typical Dwarf at all.

That's it for now.

Plenty more to get done, a whole heap of crossbowmen (both Citadel and Bood) and lots of Artillery.

Here's to what I hope will be a productive few weeks.

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