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Saturday, 28 October 2017

Clan Snickit

I recently joined a Skaven group on Facebook and it's really odd seeing posts by younger Skaven fans that don't even know Jes's models exist but it does make me feel like a wise old Sewer Tyrant.

I took a few photos of my own horde and posted them to Facebook a few months back but finding old posts there is very hard so I thought I'd stick the same photo's into a blog post.

As usual my photography skills leave a lot to be desired but this will have to do for now,  It's also something that Orlygg and Chico have both said in the past that I haven't shown off enough on my blog so I'll have to get some better photo's done as soon as possible.

So, here it is, Clan Snickit in all it's foetid glory (or at least it would be if I were better at photography).

All my current painted Skaven

My main Clan Rat block including Warlord Varl Snickit himself, his ever (un)faithful Army Standard Bearer Neek and Grey Seer Vasqueel.

Another Clan Rat block armed with spears.

A bunch of Wizards, the chap in the centre is my Warlock for 6th Ed where they need techno gubbinz to cast spells.

A block of Plague Monks that only uses two minis and one of those is only used once as the Champion!

Plague Censors. The ones on big round bases are for 3rd Ed where they work like Gobbo Fanatics and use big template bases

The Plague Monks

Poisoned Wind Globadiers.

Another unit of Clan Rats also with spears

A gun line of Warpfire Throwers. (Never ever ever use this formation, spread them around!)

Slaves with hand weapons. in 3rd Levy troops have to be deployed with as many ranks as files so my Slave units are used at 25 strong (i.e. 5x5)

Slaves with Spears. In 3rd just being armed with shield is worth it as little of regular(ish) strength reduces saves.

Storm Vermin for 3rd Ed. In 3rd double-handed flails count as double-handed weapons not flails.

I haven't finished painting all of my Slaves but I should have enough to finish off two more units of 25 along with these painted stragglers.

Gutter Runners

More Clan Rats

My Black Skaven (3rd) or Storm Vermin in later editions and are armed with halberds.


The original Vermin Lord mini from 4th Ed

My Jezzail Gun Line

A few Rat Ogres RRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! Still the best Rat Ogres EVER!

Giant Rats on 25mm bases for 3rd Ed

The Army Centre

To the left

To the Right

As said, not the best photo's but at least it's got me back on my blog.

This is a really great article by Orlygg if you want to immerse yourself in Skaven Lore

Lastly, if you're a Rat Fan and you've never read this article by Andy "The Horned Rat" Chambers then get it read:

Now, time to paint up some more Dwarf Things to "Kill-Kill"..................................