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Monday, 21 August 2017

Enter the Dragon

After a slight post BOYL break to remind my better half and my son who I am I'm back working away on my Dwarfs.

I've finally finished up my Iron Breakers. For these I'm using "Prince Ulthers Imperial Dwarfs - The Dragon Company". The large amount of armour on these chaps made them a no-brainer for Iron Breakers.

I should probably confess why they took so long for me to finish.I was a silly little Beardling and thought knew best. Silly silly Beardling. I tried to paint the tunics yellow and not red. I had visions of them  being different to everybody else's Dragon Company. Mine would be "The Golden Dragon Company".As I was painting them though something was wrong, nagging doubts crept in and I found it increasingly difficult to "feel" the paint job. I actually began painting them months before BOYL but it just wouldn't happen.

When I got back from BOYL gave in and painted the yellow half of the tunics red and instantly it looked right. Note to self, don't mess with a classic.............................

Yes I know, I need to do the standard.

Here's a wizard I painted just before BOYL but he's yet to be used and, in some ways more importantly, he's yet to be named. Suggestions welcomed. I began painting him yellow with my thinking being he's a "gold" wizard (not that colours come into it in 3rd). The green hat was just because I wanted a contrasting colour to the yellow.

Arnulf's Rangers were also painted prior to BOYL but did get used (and rather embarrassingly got chased form the field of battle by a unit of Gobbos, oh the shame.......................)

So,what's next?

Well Dr Legg has set us a new challenge for 2017/18. After our game at BOYL I said "2000 points for next year then?" "No" says Richard, "Let's do 3000 points plus baggage train".

Luckily with my Iron Breakers, Wizard, upgraded General (her was only a level 15 in my 1000pt army), the stuff I didn't use that was painted up and a few magic items here and there I'm already pushing 2000 points which leaves me plenty of painting time to finish another 1000 points of Dwarfs (I've got another 200 points almost done already). It also gives me plenty of time to work on my other BOYL 2018 project.........................................