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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

At Last! An "I'm a Dad with no Time or I'm a Slow Painter" Challenge Update - WHOOP WHOOP!!!!

So, after nearly a year I've finally pulled my finger out and got on with my painting for this challenge I myself started but have shown little commitment to, not for want of trying though. As feared, life has gotten in the way but now, with BOYL2017 approaching it's time to get on with it!

In the end I've settled upon my first choice of army for this challenge - Imperial Dwarfs.

This can be an expensive choice as they don't come cheap on Ebay but I'll be making use of Bood Wargames excellent Imperial Dwarfs alongside some of the Perry's finest that have been acquired from said online auction site.

Edouard of Bood Wargames is a really nice chap and his amazing Dwarf sculpts fit perfectly alongside Michael and Alan Perry's Imperial Dwarfs. You can find Edouard's  Dwarfs for sale on the Bood Wargames website ( and I heartily recommend them. Mine are nearly done but not quite there yet.

Instead my first offering for my 1000pt Imperial Dwarf army are my Crossbowmen and a Cannon with Crew:

I have unashamedly ripped off Wayne England's Dwarf army with the half and half heraldic colour scheme. I couldn't help it really as his army captured my imagination as a young lad reading Erny's White Dwarfs.

As usual my photo's aren't the best.

I've painted 11 Crossbow Dwarfs.

I plan to use just ten of them in battle.

By painting 2 Kettle Helm Crossbows I can either use one as a Leader if I deploy the ten in one unit.

If I deploy them as two fives then I can use 1 Kettle Helm in each unit to denote the Leader.

This photo is probably the best for showing the halved colour scheme of the crossbowmen.

The cannon and crew have a pinky purple (lilac?) halved colour scheme. I like it cause it stands out and is actually very Oldhammer, if anythingI could push it to be more pink and i may do that elsewhere in the army.

Anyhow, that's the start made, As mentioned earlier my first unit of (Bood) Warriors are almost ready and then I'm doing my take on Prince Ulther's Imperial Dwarfs Dragon Company who will be deployed as Iron Breakers. That said, I'm looking at the Hammerers stat line and working out if my wallet will allow me to push the boat out that far...............................