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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Dark Elf Update

OK, so time for me to reveal the first one of my Dark Elves I've been working on..................

Now, the more observant of you may of noticed that he's a little bit short and hairy for a Dark Elf and it's at that point I guess I have a confession to make.....................

You know when I said I wouldn't be doing Dwarves because they're so stupidly expensive at the moment what with their book having only just come out?

Yeah I suffer from a terrible condition that I call "Being a Gamer" and that means that once I feel the pull of a particular army/race I have to work on it and trying to be logical about it is a waste of time. Logically speaking I should be working on my Dark Elves but sadly that ain't gonna happen until I've gotten Dwarves out of my system.

Could be I'm done with them in a week or two (I hope not cause I've got a few to get through thanks to the evil that is Ebay). I should have some more done by the end of Sunday so if I get a chance I'll post up his mates too.

Before I go I must offer a quick thanks to Whiskey Priest ( for his very kind nomination for a Liebster Award. I'll be doing a post on this in the near future.

Laters People, I'm off to work out how to dig myself out of the hole I've dug by telling the Missus that all of the packages that keep arriving are for her Birthday. Now she's gonna expect shed loads of presents.......................... oppssss...............................................