I've been nowhere near as prolific as I was in the build up to last years BOYL when I repainted my Plague Monks and painted 6 or so Plague Censer Bearers, a unit of Giant Rats, a unit of hand weapon armed Slaves, 2 Warpfire Thrower Teams, 2 Rat Ogres, 4 or 5 Pack Masters, 6 Storm Vermin and 5 or 6 Gutter Runners. I can't remember how many exactly I painted but I do remember as was exceedingly time consuming because I was in a lot of trouble for ignoring Mrs. Snickit! That said, we soon made it up because a couple of months later we found out Little Snickit was on the way..................................
It's due to the arrival of Little Snickit that I've not gotten much done this year. After returning from dropping "her indoors" off at her parents last weekend I got back on Sunday with desire to get something done, after all one can not allow for the passing of a BOYL without removing something from the lead pile and adding it to the painted stash!
Here's my first batch of painted figs for BOYL2015, nothing too amazing, 7 more Skaven Clanrats with spears, 3 of which are
24_Cigarettes' favourite Skaven mini - don't hate me 24, I'm not really showing off (I've got a lot more of this mini already painted up after all).
I'm hoping to get two Escher Gangers, a unit of High Elves plus a High Elf Character done before Friday when myself and "Quick Ben" will be heading up to the Foundry with an eye on getting there at around about midday to meat up with Dear Brother Erny, the other OGRES and all the other Oldhammerers.
I'm hoping to get at least one more post in before then but of not then I look forward to seeing some of you there, come say "Hi".
Right, now I just need to try and remember where the jungle meat kebabs were sold...........................